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Our Safer Sex Policy


Each individual is personally responsible for their own sexual health.


We are all adults and we promote responsible & safer sex at all our parties.


At our Stable orgies we strictly enforce the use of condoms during the stable mating.

This is to ensure that Mares can explore this fantasy in the knowledge that condoms are used.

At all other parties, it is entirely up to consenting individuals if they use protection or not, but if you are asked to, you should do so.

Anyone that removes protection during activities without permission, will be asked to leave and membership will be revoked. You should never bareback without express consent - the legal implications of this are very clear.


‘Red & Black’ Stable Orgies, where Mares can choose a Black Hood for Safer Sex or a Red Hood for Bareback - will be clearly marketed as such.


We provide free condoms and lube at all parties.

Sexual health resources are available below and on the app.

We also have our own in house Doctor to provide general advice regarding all things sexual health related.


Our recommendations......


  • Looking after your sexual health is important for you and your partners

  • Keep it clean! 

  • Use the washing facilities at parties between partners

  • Invest in a bulb type douche if you wish to bottom

  • Get regular STI check ups and talk to your local sexual health provider about Prep 

  • If you have any form of STI, please DO NOT attend a party until you’ve been given the all clear


We believe this approach is sensible and is in line with what the Swinging community follow. If for any reason you don’t agree with this policy and wish to cancel your membership or any tickets you hold, please contact us directly so we can assist you.


Support & Resources



The UK Government removed all restrictions in 2022 but venues still have the right to implement their own policy.


If one of our venues insist on certain precautions we will make this clear on the event ticket.


Variants of the virus continue to evolve and we continually monitor public health information to ensure that our parties remain safe. We will always adhere to any updated Government advice or relevant legislation as the situation changes.

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